Bishop Siegel ordains three as diocesan priests

Bishop Joseph M. Siegel, second from right, stands with Father Tyler Underhill, left, Father Caleb Scherzinger and Father Phillip Rogier following their June 22 Ordination Mass at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville. Submitted photo by Joshua Wichman, Special to The Message

By John Rohlf 

The Message assistant editor 

The Diocese of Evansville gained three priests this past weekend, as three men were ordained to the priesthood during the June 22 Rite of Ordination. 

Bishop Joseph M. Siegel ordained Father Phillip Rogier, Father Caleb Scherzinger and Father Tyler Underhill to the priesthood during the Rite of Ordination at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville.

Father Tyler Tenbarge welcomes Father Tyler Underhill into the priesthood as brother priests welcome Father Caleb Scherzinger and Father Phillip Rogier. The Message photo by Megan Erbacher

Diocese of Evansville Director of Vocations Father Tyler Tenbarge presented all three candidates for ordination. Father Tenbarge said after inquiry among the Christian people and upon the recommendation of those concerned with their formation, he testified they have been found worthy.

After the ordination, Father Scherzinger said it was “kind of surreal right now.” 

“It’s been a long journey,” Father Scherzinger said. “It’s been six years for me. There was a lot of good and there was a lot of heartache along the way but I think overall, it did me a lot of good and it’s brought me to the man I am today.” 

Father Scherzinger stressed the support he received from the community over the course of his discernment and seminary formation. 

“People have been way more supportive than I could have imagined,” Father Scherzinger said. “Even since the beginning of just thinking of the idea of the priesthood, people have been there. They’ve said how great it was. And then people have been there to just help in ways that I can’t imagine. So it’s just been wonderful.” 

All three priests are assigned as parochial vicars in parishes across the diocese. The assignments were announced in May by Bishop Siegel. Father Rogier is assigned as parochial vicar at St. James Parish and Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, both in Haubstadt; Father Scherzinger is assigned as parochial vicar at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Vincennes, and St. Philip Neri, Bicknell; and Father Underhill is assigned as parochial vicar at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville until he returns to Rome in September to complete his STL in Moral Theology at the Angelicum. Upon his return to the diocese next June, he will resume his assignment at the Cathedral. 

Father Rogier’s home parish is Christ the King Parish in Ferdinand, Father Scherzinger’s home parish is St. Isidore the Farmer Parish in Celestine and Father Underhill’s home parish is Our Lady of Hope Parish in Washington. All three celebrated Mass at their home parishes June 23.

During his homily, Bishop Siegel referenced the gospel reading and said Jesus imparted his blessing to his apostles in the upper room on Easter Sunday and proclaimed that they receive the Holy Spirit. He said Father Rogier, Father Scherzinger and Father Underhill were present at the ordination so that Christ could breathe his spirit on them. Bishop Siegel said by the laying of his hands and the prayer of ordination, the Holy Spirit would enter the innermost being of all three men. 

Bishop Siegel said he knew all three men were aware, as all priests are aware, of how undeserving anyone is to assume the mantle of Christ’s priesthood. They only dare to do so trusting in the power and efficacy of God’s grace working in and through their frail human nature, Bishop Siegel said. 

Bishop Siegel said he was grateful for the number of priests present for the ordination liturgy. There were over 50 concelebrants at the ordination. The concelebrants included diocesan priests and friends of the newly ordained. 

Bishop Siegel asked the three men to remember they are being ordained not into a private practice but are part of a brotherhood of priests to serve the diocese. He recommended they come to know and love their fellow priests in the diocese and learn from them. He asked all three men to seek the support of their fellow priests and offer them support, noting it will make all the difference in the world for their ministry in the years to come. 

Transitional Deacons Keith Hart and Aaron Herrenbruck were Deacons of the Mass. Assisting Deacons were Transitional Deacons Nicholas Biever and Clint Johnson. Acolytes and servers were seminarians of the Diocese. Father Christopher Droste, Father Chris Forler, Larry Durchholz and Matt Miller were the masters of ceremony.

During his homily, Bishop Siegel reminded the three men to remember they are being ordained as part of a brotherhood of priests to serve the diocese. The Message photo by Megan Erbacher