Challenge Your Thoughts!

By Zoe Cannon

Gratitude for the Gift of Faith

“Let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance” (Proverbs 1:5).

The Apostle Paul advised the early Church not to conform to the things of this world. He urged them to be transformed by the renewing of their minds and instructed them to engage in the spiritual battles around them. “We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

“Satan hates the Son of God, who is truth” (John 14:6). And he hates the word of God because God’s word is truth” (John 17:17). Therefore, he will do his best to take away the word if he can, and twist it.

The New Testament readings affirm the existence of the demonic and record Jesus giving authority to the apostles to cast out demons in his name. The societal issues today indicate we are in a spiritual battle, and saving souls is a real mission. As Christians, we are bound by our baptismal promises to renounce Satan and all the empty promises that he creates to deceive us. The lives of the saints invite us to follow Christ by rejoicing during the trials of life. The competition for our thoughts in a busy and challenging world is real! Our relationship with God is our lifeline!

St. Elizabeth of the Trinity understood the connection between renunciation and praise. She said, “Praise is the radiance of the splendor of God in a soul, the showing forth of His attributes in the world.” She believed that renunciation is a precondition allowing a collaboration with God to be realized.

We must make sacrifices when we commit ourselves to God. In a culture rife with evil and materialistic viewpoints, we are indeed tested. We need a deeper partnership with God to overcome our weaknesses.

St. Bonaventure said, “If you would suffer with patience the adversities and miseries of this life, if you would know the wiles of Satan and unmask his deceits, be a man of prayer. It is in prayer that we receive the unction and grace of the Holy Ghost, who teaches all things.”

We need God! The Eucharistic revival we just experienced from coast to coast in the United States was a Divine appointment. It is an amazing time to be a Catholic and share the good news of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament. The True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist has always been a gift from God the Father to redeem the world.

I pray for a renewal of the Universal Church after this miraculous and historical event. The True Presence is an encounter with the living Jesus, and this gift should bring the wonder of God into every aspect of our lives. Our reverence for God is more than kneeling inside the church building. The way we dress, speak, behave and live day to day is a major part in the Eucharistic mission of a life lived well!

May your thoughts and actions seek to be obedient to Christ. May the wise hear and increase in learning. Because the one who understands will obtain guidance from the Holy Spirit. Renounce and praise — be a person of prayer … Amen!