The Lord is my heart!

By Zoe Cannon

Gratitude for the Gift of Faith

“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be” (Matthew 6:21).

Christian prayer is an expression of our thoughts to God. Our conversation with him is a pathway to peace, and when we say “yes” to the Lord, we are affirming the world.

The world needs a cleansing of all souls to bring order back to society. This is the role of the Universal Church. We are the members of the Body of Christ — the Church. How can you serve to make the world a better place? Have you asked God for an answer to this question?

We recently hosted two Carmelite priests serving as missionaries, primarily in India, Kenya and Madagascar. Their incredible stories helped me appreciate the meaning of the Universal Church and the great mission of God’s plan. I especially realized the importance of protecting children and bringing the love of Jesus into their lives.

The Apostles asked Jesus, “Who is the greatest in heaven?” He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). These words were not a suggestion, but a requirement!

There were tribal societies in the remote places where these priests ministered, and their task was not to change the ancestral customs but to teach a younger generation to know Jesus. The natural progression of change became a powerful transformation for the community as children began to share this love with their families.

The witness of these men living the gospel prompted me to think about our “civilized” culture and how we treat our precious children — a gift from God.  A society that attacks marriage and family is not a healthy environment for children and we must protect their innocence. If we neglect to make Jesus a priority in our own lives, we fail our children too.

My concerns for our country became very real as I listened to these mission stories from other parts of the world. They tackle basic needs daily like clean water, health care and saving souls, things we take for granted every day. They also struggle with corrupt governments and persecution. A concern we pray never becomes standard practice in our country.

The weekend opportunity to offer hospitality was a gift to us. The accounts of miracles happening in parts of the world where the internet and communication are sometimes unavailable are certainly recorded in the eyes of God.  I am so grateful for the reminder — God is with us!

We are blessed, our children and grandchildren are healthy and loved. I will continue to share the good news of God with them, especially in the confusing times we are facing. Do not be afraid to speak the truth in the name of Jesus, it will make a difference.

Be like little children, most importantly, give every child the chance to be a child of God! Let the Lord guide your heart and you will find a treasure! Amen!