Seminarian profile: Nick Biever

Home parish: Annunciation Parish in Evansville

Anticipated Ordination Year: 2025

Parents: Richard and Mary Biever

Siblings: Liz (Michael) Adler

Dear people of God,

You all are incredible. As a newly ordained transitional deacon with priesthood ordination on the horizon, I am reflecting on all the assistance I have received along the way. I would thank my parents and family members first for raising me, homeschooling me and in supporting me every step of the way — especially when I discerned out of seminary after my first year of seminary and returned back a year later. I’m now entering into my sixth and final year of my seminary journey. And, in many ways, I realize that I am a product of you all. I personally feel like I owe my priesthood formation to: my family, the quality priests of our Diocese, many other priests, the other three transitional deacons in my class from our Diocese, two vocation directors, a Benedictine seminary, nine parishes, the University of Southern Indiana, two Evansville college Newman Centers, many trauma hospital co-chaplains in Arkansas, support from specific Dominican, Benedictine, and Brigidine nuns, IT Staffs in Ferdinand and Evansville, several 4-H clubs and a Dairy Queen crew from high school, many Catholic and non-Catholic friends and families, countless monetary gifts from Knights of Columbus Councils, one parishioner who gave me a vehicle when mine exploded, a daily rosary crew who happened to say, “God, our Father, please send us holy priests,” at the moment I entered a church during college, and all the silent prayers of support for me. Similar to how a person brings all life experiences into a marriage, a priest brings all life experiences into the priesthood. I thank God for you, and I am in awe of how God has allowed each one of you to shape me. Thank you.