By Zoe Cannon
Gratitude for the Gift of Faith
“God replied to Moses: I am who I am.* Then he added: This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14).
God is preparing something wonderful for us! Everything is revealed through Jesus. Lent begins on March 5, with Ash Wednesday observance. Forty days of preparation. The Lenten journey is a time to seek God in a very personal and intentional way. God is always pursuing us, because we belong to him. His message is love and mercy. “I Am with you” — “do not be afraid” — “follow me.”
The Sacred Mysteries of the Catholic Church provide everything we need. We must know them, believe in them, study them and share them. I am facilitating a bible study from a book titled, “Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life,” from Ascension Press. In the study, there is a beautiful explanation of the Paschal Mystery — the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
We cannot understand the Crucifixion without the Resurrection. The reality of evil, and the frightening problems caused by human sin, and the divine plan to deal with these offenses, all happened in one saving action — the victory on the cross!
The mystery of the Resurrection brings us face-to-face with what is holy. The apostles didn’t recognize the resurrected Jesus until he broke bread at the table. These words from Thomas should be on our lips and in our hearts every time we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus — “My Lord and my God!” St. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, describes the mystery of the Eucharist as the medicine for immortality.
The Lenten season is a specific time to get away from the things that weigh us down. A time to step away from the loud outcry of an unforgiving world. If we are going to make his kingdom present to the world, we must be willing to let go of bitterness and anger and learn to forgive as Jesus did. There was no chastisement from Jesus when Judas betrayed him, Peter denied him or when Thomas doubted him.
From the Annunciation to the Ascension, the life of Jesus was in full communion with the Father and the Holy Spirit. From Moses to Mary, we know a Messiah was sent for sinners in need of redemption. God gave himself to us so that we may give ourselves to him and one another. We must order our lives so that we are in perfect unity with the Triune God. When we are receptive to the gentle yet mighty presence of God, a new world opens up to us.
We need God — his presence in the world is made possible by our willingness to accept his kingdom. Please realize God needs us too — the message of his mercy and love are delivered to others by our witness. This is what you will tell others: “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear, for it is the Lord your God who goes before you. He will not leave or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6). How will you be present to someone this Lenten season? Amen!