By John Rohlf, The Message assistant editor
Bishop Joseph M. Siegel celebrated the Rite of Election of Catechumens and Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion March 9 at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville.
Parishes from across the Diocese of Evansville presented their catechumens and candidates. The sponsors joined the catechumens and candidates during the presentation. Bishop Siegel received the catechumens first and then the candidates, who were presented by representatives of their parishes.
This year, the diocese has 126 candidates and 115 catechumens. The 241 combined candidates and catechumens is an increase of 71 over last year, when the diocese had 84 candidates and 86 catechumens.
During the Easter Vigil, catechumens will be baptized, confirmed and receive the Eucharist. Candidates are those who will be confirmed and receive the Eucharist.
During his homily, Bishop Siegel said it was a great joy to welcome all those in attendance to St. Benedict Cathedral, the mother church of the diocese, which spans 12 counties and has 45 parishes. He especially greeted the catechumens and candidates, who were recommended and sent to the celebration by their parishes, that they may begin their final preparation for the reception of the sacraments of Christian Initiation.
He said this Rite marks a significant moment in their journey of faith. God has implanted his call deep within the hearts of the catechumens and candidates, and they responded yes to the marvelous power of God’s love. He said their priests, catechists, godparents, sponsors and guides in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults process recognized in them a deepening conversion to the message of Jesus Christ.
Bishop Siegel said all Catholics set out on a Lenten journey March 5 on Ash Wednesday, which culminates in the sacred Triduum of the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection. These 40 days are a precious opportunity to look deep within and discern areas where sin and darkness still lurk and where there is a need for conversion, he said.
For catechumens and candidates, Lent is a time of more intense spiritual preparation, Bishop Siegel said. It is a time of interior reflection intended to purify hearts and minds to prepare for the grace of the sacraments. He said in their parishes during the Lenten season, the elect will participate in the Scrutinies and the candidates will participate in the Penitential Rite. These are meant to uncover and then help to heal all that is weak; and to bring out and then help to strengthen all that is upright and good. Lent is the time to deepen resolve, hold fast to Christ and carry out their decision and the Church’s challenge to them to love God above all, Bishop Siegel said.
As the catechumens and candidates begin their pilgrimage of faith this Lent, Bishop Siegel said we are anxiously looking forward to the day when they will be one with us at the table of the Lord. He assured them of his prayers and the prayers of the Catholic community of the diocese as they journey towards the Easter sacraments. He encouraged them to be at peace and to continue to hear Christ’s call daily to conversion, to renewal as they prepare to enter more deeply into his Paschal Mystery and to promise to serve God faithfully in the Catholic Church.
After the homily and presentation of the candidates and catechumens, Deacon Nick Biever read the intercessions for the elect and candidates. Bishop Siegel then delivered a prayer over the elect and candidates before the blessing and dismissal.