By Dr. Daryl Hagan
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
I have new and important information to share with school families. The financial impact of the COVID-19 virus can be felt by all, and our school families are not immune to this impact. Our parishes and schools are here to help families!
The Institute for Quality Education is our chosen scholarship-granting organization (SGO) where families who meet income guidelines have an opportunity to send their child to Catholic schools. Through the generosity of Hoosiers, private donations fund the SGO and scholarships are provided.
The Indiana Choice Scholarship Program (vouchers) provides state funding to qualifying students that is used to help offset tuition costs at participating Choice schools. All Catholic schools in the Diocese of Evansville are participating in the Choice Program.
Institute for Quality Education – SGO
The Institute for Quality Education is extending our application submission for new tax credit scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year until May 15, 2020. IQE is aware that many Hoosiers have lost their jobs, been laid-off, furloughed or had their income reduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is our hope that extending the application deadline will help some of these families and students. If families are unable to meet their tuition obligations because of a loss of income due to COVID-19, and they can now show that their income meets the requirements of the SGO program, they may receive a scholarship to meet this obligation.
Indiana Choice Scholarship Program – Vouchers
If your child is a current recipient (during the 2019-2020 school year and before the May 15, 2020, deadline) of an SGO, he/she may qualify in 2020-2021 for a voucher. There are eight different tracks that enable a student to be eligible to participate in the Choice Scholarship Program. The track pertinent to this extension is titled Previous Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) Award Track. This track applies to a student who received an SGO Scholarship in a previous school year for which the student is applying for a Choice Scholarship.
I ask all families who are struggling to pay tuition due to losing their jobs, being laid-off, furloughed or having their income reduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to contact your school (principal, president or business manager) prior to the May 15, 2020, extended deadline.