A Eucharistic world

By Joel Padgett


In previous articles, I discussed the first three goals of our Eucharistic Revival — Believe, Worship, and Live —  which now brings me to the final one: Share — that is, to share the truth, beauty and goodness of the Eucharistic Jesus with others, so that in turn, they may be drawn to Him, transformed by Him and moved to share Him with others.

Without this last goal, there could be a certain temptation to guard this treasure merely for ourselves. It is this aspect of sharing that moves us to go out and spread the Good News; to share Christ’s love, goodness and truth with others. However, in order for us to first be moved, we have to discover that the Eucharist is, indeed, a treasure — one that it is to be shared with all who are willing to receive it.

All images have their limitations, but I have personally found the following to be helpful. If I had a good friend who was suffering from a serious disease, and I knew the cure, how could I not share it with him? If I knew that the cure would bring my friend health and happiness, what sort of friend would I be if I did not at least offer it? If this is the case regarding physical illness, then all the more so with regard to authentic fulfilment, eternal life and everlasting joy.

As Christians, we profess that Jesus is our salvation, our cure — but not just for us as Christians. If God is real and Jesus is God, which is what we confess, then who He is and what He offers is meant for everyone, everywhere, without exception. However, do I personally believe it? Is my relationship with Christ what I absolutely prioritize and hold nearest and dearest to my heart? Am I willing to sacrifice, correct or re-prioritize any comforts, hobbies, habits, or relationships that hinder growth in my relationship with Christ? Or do I tend to put my faith “under a bushel basket” (Mt 5:15) for fear that either it or I might be rejected, or that others may find its demands to be too burdensome, too boring or too fanatical? If I struggle with this — and I think that we all do, in one way or another — then let me turn to God and pray with the words of the apostles, “Lord, increase my faith” (cf. Lk 17:10). I think it is a petition that gives great joy to God when it is prayed with a longing, humble heart.

In short, if I truly believe that Christ is the ultimate source of meaning, fulfilment, healing and happiness of not only my life, but of that of each and every person, then I will be moved, in one way or another, to know Him; to love Him; to imitate Him and to share Him with those around me. Yes, I will fall short many times; but I will continue to return to Him, to rely on Him as my strength, and to beg Him the graces to help me do so.

Recently, I read the book “Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope & Promise of Parish Life” by Timothy O’Malley. In it, he brings up some great points about how, every time we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, we are renewing our commitment to truly love others. I think that these words of his nicely capture the essence of this last goal:


“My neighbor — a person like me — is a gift. He or she is owed a return gift of love. Every time I receive the Blessed Sacrament — the gift beyond all gifts — I commit myself to my neighbor’s flourishing. The gift I have received from Jesus, through Jesus, and with Jesus is to be passed on. The Eucharistic mystery, therefore, is not just the benefit of Catholics. It is the entire human family — every person who suffers from indignity — who is to benefit from what happens upon the altar. In our reception of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, we are already committing ourselves to love our neighbor in our daily lives.”