A picture tells a story

By Zoe Cannon

Gratitude for the Gift of Faith

“Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you” (Deuteronomy 32:7).

I have always been a storyteller. I love sharing life experiences! Creating family history through shared memories and photographs is a great way to express God’s love and his plan for marriage and family. The images saved in a photograph album become a keepsake of family history and an opportunity to connect our loved ones to one another. A “who belongs to who” discussion is a fun way for toddlers to understand family connections. Our photographs offer an opportunity for them to know extended family members, and realize that these people are part of something very special in their lives.

In our beautiful Catholic churches, we have statues, pictures and sacramental images that provide a sense of relationship for everyone who enters. The image of Jesus, his family, Church history and all the saints invoke a presence of reverence and honor. The Holy Spirit provides an account of our salvation history in Sacred Scripture. The challenge to live the mission of Jesus would not be possible without this narration.

I recently met a woman who began our conversation with, “You don’t know me, but we are distantly related.” The stories she shared about mutual family members were enlightening. Growing up, I knew the names of these people but had never met them. My dad converted to Catholicism, and I knew his immediate family members were Protestant. In this exchange of information, I found out my grandfather’s sister, Ruth, was a devout Catholic. My new friend remembers as a little girl seeing Catholic statues and a picture of the pope displayed in Ruth’s home. After hearing about the way Ruth lived her faith and attended daily Mass, I wish I had known her or at least had a photograph of her inside her home. We exchanged phone numbers, and I plan to have more conversations about our family connections.

The world is always changing and the way we interact with people has changed too. Communication with technology is convenient but sometimes impersonal. The best conversations are in person — face-to-face. We can send an image or a live video anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds, but sharing a photocopy with a loved one creates hours of conversation. There is a closet in our home filled with printed photo albums. I have archived wonderful memories in our 49 years of marriage with the joys of raising our family. Today, I have over 35,000 pictures sitting in a digital cloud. I often create a book of printed photos to highlight and share with my grandchildren. It is a blessing to see the reactions and revelations made while looking at these pictures.

Our society has become unrecognizable in many different ways. Civility and common sense are lost in an effort to distort truth and erase goodness from the norms of life. How will history be written about this confusing time? I believe the pictures and videos will speak volumes. The many generations of sacrifice and love offered to bring truth into our culture should always be revered. Tell your stories and take lots of pictures because we need to remember the days of old! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Amen!