Abby Coudret named February St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Outstanding Educator

Abby Coudret, physical education and resource teacher at Corpus Christi School in Evansville, is pictured with some of her students after being named February’s St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Outstanding Educator by the Diocese of Evansville Catholic Schools Office. Also pictured with Coudret, back row second from left, are Corpus Christi Principal Andrea Greaney, back row far left, Diocesan Superintendent Michelle Priar, Associate Superintendent Kari Ford and School Support Administrator Lynde Anquillare. Submitted photo

Special to The Message

On Feb. 24, Abby Coudret, physical education and resource teacher at Corpus Christi School in Evansville, was named the February St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Outstanding Educator by the Diocese of Evansville Catholic Schools Office. Coudret was surprised by Diocesan Superintendent Michelle Priar, Associate Superintendent Kari Ford and School Support Administrator Lynde Anquillare, who presented her with a certificate and a small gift.

Coudret is the 14th educator to receive the honor since its inception in 2023. She is in her 11th year of teaching for the Diocese.

A nominator said Coudret “exemplifies the spirit of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton through her unwavering dedication to the education and development of her students, her innovative approach to teaching and her compassionate leadership within our school community.”

The nominator continued and said as Corpus Christi’s lead special education teacher this year, Coudret has taken on every challenge with “remarkable enthusiasm and commitment. She works tirelessly to meet the unique needs of all students, utilizing her deep knowledge of student assessments to develop targeted academic goals that foster growth and success. Her ability to adapt and modify teaching strategies for each child is a reflection of the care and attention that St. Elizabeth Ann Seton showed toward the needs of her students, ensuring that each individual has the opportunity to flourish.”

Coudret also models a lifelong commitment to learning and personal growth, the nominator pointed out, just as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton did, by continuously seeking out professional development opportunities to improve her practice.

Coudret is an advocate for inclusivity and works to create opportunities for all students to succeed, no matter their background or ability level, the nominator stated.

Coudret embodies the qualities of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, her nominator wrote: “faith, leadership, compassion and an unwavering commitment to the service of others. Her tireless efforts and innovative spirit make her a truly outstanding educator, and she is most deserving of this honor.”

Each month, deserving teachers are nominated by their colleagues, and a committee selects one winner. All teachers in the diocese are eligible to receive the award.