Cub Scouts, youth organizations attend annual Faith Day

Photo by Bill Noll, Special to The Message

By Bill Noll, DCCS Chair, Special to The Message

On Feb. 15, several Cub Scout Packs and Girl Scout Units ages 8-10 attended a Faith Day event at Good Shepherd Parish in Evansville. Scout Faith Day is an annual event sponsored by the Diocesan Catholic Committee in Scouting (DCCS). Faith Day is open to scout units and all youth organizations sponsored by Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Evansville, however, everyone is invited. The participating units this year included those sponsored by the following Parishes: Good Shepherd Parish in Evansville (Pack-362), Good Shepherd Parish in Evansville (Girl Scout Unit 505), Holy Rosary Parish in Evansville (Pack-312), and St. Peter Parish in Montgomery (Girl Scout Unit 320).

The theme of Faith Day was: “Those who hope in the Lord will run and not grow weary” (Is 40:31). The participants were presented with three short reflections on the Faith Day theme and then participated in activities that highlighted each reflection. These activities included: A Blind Faith Walk, Prayer Response Sojourn and a Three-Legged Sack Race. There was singing and time allotted for prayer and personal reflection.