Do everything in love



“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).

S. Lewis wrote in his book, “The Weight of Glory,” “There are no ordinary people. You have never met a mere mortal.” Imagine a world where all people are treated with such dignity!

The second Sunday of Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday. I hope you are praying for mercy on the whole world. I enjoy celebrating the 50 days of the Easter Season, which culminates with the Feast of Pentecost. We need the Holy Spirit to renew the earth! The Church Liturgical calendar is full of opportunities to embrace God’s grace every day.

By God’s design, we are meant to help one another journey through life; and remember, no one is ordinary in God’s eyes! The basis for our existence is to love, honor and serve Almighty God. We will live forever under salvation or judgment. There is not enough conversation about the seriousness regarding offenses to God or the concern for our salvation. We should not speak of sin without recognizing God’s grace and our gift of free will.

We were studying about justice in our homeschool religion class. Our catechism provides a chapter on the Prophet Amos from 750 B. C. God chose him as the first prophet to preach social justice for the poor. Amos understood that everything on the earth belonged to God. Amos angrily condemned the indulgent rich in the community of Bethel. He warned that soothing their conscience by regular attendance at worship, but abusing wealth and ignoring the poor, was displeasing to God. Amos was not afraid to offend the ruling class, but they dismissed him as a religious eccentric who lived in the mountains. The story ends with the doom he predicted for them!

My students learned plenty from this ancient prophet and his message. We read from the Book of Amos and had great discussion about the need for repentance and prayer today. The emphasis in our conversation was centered on love. I looked into their innocent faces and sensed the genuine love of God in their sweet souls. We have a Christian duty to protect children from the sinful culture we are living in today.

Our first grandchild, Brayden Richard, turns 11 on April 14. The experience of holding him for the first time in 2012 was a brand new feeling of love. We know time goes by quickly – and our opportunity to instill moral, Christian values into the lives of our children is sometimes limited. I am blessed to be grandma and catechist to this young man and his brothers. Our class discussions are incredible, and they teach me something new with every lesson we study.

We now have eight beautiful grandchildren, and each one of these precious souls reminds us that we are made in the image of God for a perfectly unique purpose. There is nothing ordinary about that! I give thanks every day for the blessing of my family and the faith we share. I want to celebrate Brayden’s birthday by sharing a prayer he memorized as a toddler. You’re the best little buddy! Happy Birthday; Jesus loves you, and so do I!

A Prayer to Jesus by Saint Richard of Chichester

O most merciful Redeemer, friend and Brother. May I know you more clearly, Love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, Forever and ever – Amen!