Giving proper reverence to the Eucharist



The current Eucharistic Revival urges us to encounter the Eucharist in a deeply faithful way; to increase our faith and reverence, joy, excitement and passion for the Source and Summit of our faith. This can be aided by prayer, during and outside of the Mass. One largely practical way that we can tune our hearts and minds to the incredible presence of Jesus’ Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity is to also focus our bodies on giving proper reverence to the Eucharist. We can reflect on how we present ourselves at Mass.

The clothing we wear to various places and for different occasions is important, to say the least. If all attendees at a wedding reception were dressed in shorts and t-shirts, the atmosphere would be completely different than at a wedding where all were dressed in suits and gowns. One could argue that clothing changes one’s mindset as well. In college, I heard that dressing up on exam day instead of wearing sweat pants could allow you to perform better! I’ve noticed that, even at home, I’m more productive if I’m wearing something I feel good in.

My main point is that the King of the Universe is truly present in every Catholic Church. If we dress up for Mass with that in mind, we can be better able to give our best to Him. We can strive to focus our hearts and minds on the Eucharist, but we are body-soul composites; our bodies are important too! Simply by dressing our best, we will, perhaps, be more engaged and better able to give our whole selves while participating in the sacrament.

I know different parishes have different average dress, and different people view outfits differently. Here are some questions that may be helpful to ponder, as we are all unique individuals: Whatever your typical “Sunday best” Mass wardrobe is, is it different than what you wear to work or to a restaurant?  Could it be more reverent in any way? Is it modest?

Perhaps a goal could be to go one step above your normal this Sunday, or wear what you would to an important event. If you already dress in a suit, try adding a tie. Women can pray about and learn more about wearing a chapel veil, which is a beautiful tradition. Another idea is to pray that the clothing we wear will help glorify God. Priests say prayers as they put on each different part of their vestments for Mass, and religious also pray as they don each part of their habits, that they may not simply be pieces of fabric but aids in their spiritual lives that day.

I’m not trying to say that the Lord doesn’t accept us how we are, and cares more about clothing than our internal reverence; but I do want to reflect on how all things go together and how one thing can affect another. All of these small, human details can help us turn our bodies, minds and souls to the Lord, especially during this time of focus on the Eucharist.