By Megan Erbacher
Daily Blessings
“Jesus replied, you do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand” (John 13:7).
Sometimes it’s easy to feel like a dark cloud is hovering over your head because it seems like the world is against you, and you just can’t catch a break. During these times, it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of self-pity and give into the “why me?” attitude.
Lately, I’ve felt a bit like the character Eeyore from Winnie-the-Pooh, who is typically down-in-the-dumps and negative. People often joke that once you turn 30, 40, 50, everything starts to hurt and ache. I understand as you age your body changes, but occasionally I feel like the change was instant.
The past year or so it seems something goes awry every few months, which in turn throws me into a tailspin of “what did I do to deserve this?”
As I write, I realize how ridiculous it is that I’m complaining about nonserious issues. However, from time to time, I can’t help but fall into self-pity mode.
There are many people out there with serious problems. Some are dealing with cancer diagnoses, while others are coping with the loss of a loved one; and even others aren’t sure how they will get their next meal.
My sister-in-law has had to cope with loss, and she does so in a way that’s inspiring. She’s a strong person, but I don’t doubt that she has moments of grief so crippling she isn’t sure how to get back up. However, her faith in God and his timing is so uplifting that it’s hard not to feel positive when you’re with her.
Steve and I had dinner at their house a few weeks ago, and I ducked into the restroom to wash my hands. As the soap started to lather, I looked up and was immediately distracted by the post-it notes of affirmations and bible verses surrounding her mirror. Suddenly, my worries melted away as I gave all my concerns to God.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from her is to always have faith. When the world seems unfair and scary, place all of your trust in him and he will see you through the storm. Her faith is endless.
There are many bumps in the road of life. Sometimes unfortunate circumstances just don’t make sense, and it’s difficult when we try to process these situations.
I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. What may seem like a stroke of bad luck may instead be God saving us from something we’re completely unaware of.
Life won’t go as we plan it because it’s not about our plan – it’s about his plan. I try to remind myself to take a deep breath, relax and sometimes adjust.
A song I’ve always loved is John Hiatt’s 1987 tune, “Have a Little Faith in Me.” It never fails; this song always helps me when I’m feeling down.
The special thing about music is, depending on the season of life I’m in, I hear songs and lyrics differently and interpret them in many ways. Many times I hear this song as a love song to another, but I also believe you can think of it as a love song from God.
The first verse begins:
“When the road gets dark
And you can no longer see
Just let my love throw a spark
And have a little faith in me.”
— © 1987, John Hiatt
However your heart interprets the song, I think it can comfort many of us during difficult times.
Setbacks are heartbreaking, but know you’re not alone because God is with you. In a world where we expect instant gratification, we can’t rush his timing. We need to have a little faith and never forget that he is taking care of us.
“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart be courageous. Wait for the Lord” (Psalms 27:14).