‘… have mercy on us, and on the whole world’

This issue of The Message is dated two days before Divine Mercy Sunday in 2020. Who could argue against the idea that the world needs God’s mercy, in this moment, as much as it ever has?

We attend Masses in front of TVs, radios, computer screens, or smart phones and tablets. We stay away from people as much as possible to help prevent the spread and impact of COVID-19.  As we complete the first week of this joyous Easter season, it appears isolation is the word of the day – not celebration.

How many times have you heard, seen and/or posted, “We will get through this together.” That is true, of course; but for now, we’ll get through it together at really safe distances.

Following are a few excerpts from the Diary of St. Faustina, to whom Jesus gave the Divine Mercy devotion. Read the quotes; think about them; pray them.

  • “After a while, Jesus said to me, ‘Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You. I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and [then] throughout the world. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over [that soul’s] enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory.’”
  • “Jesus, eternal Truth, strengthen my feeble forces; You can do all things, Lord. I know that without You all my efforts are in vain. O Jesus, do not hide from me, for I cannot live without You. Listen to the cry of my soul, Your mercy has not been exhausted, Lord, so have pity on my misery. Your mercy surpasses the understanding of all Angels and people put together; and so, although it seems to me that You do not hear me, I put my trust in the ocean of Your mercy, and I know that my hope will not be deceived.”
  • “… my Jesus, despite the deep night that is all around me and the dark clouds which hide the horizon, I know that the sun never goes out. O Lord, though I cannot comprehend You and do not understand Your ways, I nonetheless trust in Your mercy.”

Around the world, the 3 p.m. (local time) hour has become known as the Hour of Mercy. If you have not yet done so, download the Divine Mercy Chaplet app from the iOS or Android stores, and consider praying the chaplet daily. Offer it for those suffering with COVID-19 and those caring for them; for those working to develop a vaccine; for the protection against infection of those most vulnerable to the virus’ most vicious impacts.