It is good because God planned it



“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Our culture is filled with confusion and division concerning what God has created. We need to slow down and pray about this destructive pattern. The absolute truth is that God already defined everything for us! Made in His image, unique and unrepeatable, we each have a role to play in building up His Kingdom.

There should be no confusion about when life begins, what gender we are born with or how marriage is defined. Absolutes are wonderful because truth helps us choose well in using our free will. Our differences – skin color, race, gender, talents and our uniqueness – were God’s plan all along. We should complement one another, validating our differences – and not apologizing or trying to change them! Equality should strengthen society, not destroy opportunity!

“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

This summer, my husband Dick and I celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary with our four children, their spouses and our eight grandchildren. If I shared all the memories and blessings, I would need to write a book; so, I will share a few thoughts in this short column.

We became friends in October 1974, and the relationship grew because of our love for the Catholic faith. We occasionally talked about our differences and joked that opposites do attract. We are only six years apart in age, but the history and dynamics between the year Dick was born and my arrival was fast-changing. His family was the World War II generation, and mine was the Viet Nam era, with drastic change in society – and the Church.

We attended the same Catholic high school in Vincennes; but with the difference in age, our paths never crossed. It was the same building, but the name of the school had changed when I became a freshman. Our school experiences were very different because of the social changes in the six years between us. These transformations seem minor now as we look back at how norms changed between the years we raised our children, and the society of our grandchildren today! I know people are thinking this is how life has always been; constantly changing, but this is not the same. Technology has created a very distinctive environment, and it is not all good.

We have mentored many couples over the years to prepare them for the Sacrament of Matrimony. We often share our differences as a positive, especially if their assessment profile points to any extremes in personality. I tell them, Dick is a tenor, I am an alto; he is quiet, I am not; he does not like to write, and I journal every day. He has a Masters degree in Mathematics, and I have math dyslexia (It is real!). Our organizational skills are very different, but we get things done and work very well together. He told me once that he was glad God has my back because I fly by the seat of my pants a lot, which is so true! We find that being different means we learn from each other, it makes things interesting, and it has strengthened our relationship because we respect the unrepeatable uniqueness that God intended for each of us.

I thank God every day for the gift of faith. Pray for the conversion of souls and a strengthening of people’s trust in God! During 47 years, we have spent many hours together alone with God – sitting in a front pew with candles lit in the church and asking for guidance. Please walk in the ways that God has planned. It is good! Amen!