Letter to the editor

To the Editor,

Thanks to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for its recent request for Catholics to ask their senators and representatives to safeguard all climate and environmental investments. As that USCCB Action Alert states, “The U.S. bishops are encouraged by the historic $555 billion suite of climate-investment policies proposed in Congress, including tax incentives to support existing and emerging technologies in clean energy; resilience investments focused on protecting low-income and minority communities; and incentives to decarbonize the economy.”

The USCCB offers many resources about good stewardship practices on its webpage www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/environment/index.cfm.

Creation care is the ultimate pro-life issue because it impacts all humans and other species currently on this Earth — plus all the generations yet to come. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, I hope you will answer the bishops’ plea. Contact your congressional offices to ask them to support climate legislation.

Caroline Nellis
Tri-State Creation Care board member