Life is Messy

By Denise Seibert Townsend

Catholic Charities

“Life is messy.” This is a comment that I have heard many times in conversations when someone is discussing life experiences that are complicated and challenging. I know I have made this same statement myself. There is even a book titled “Life is Messy” by author Matthew Kelly. Kelly describes the book as “putting our lives back together, and allowing ourselves to be put back together when life doesn’t turn out as we expected it to.”

As I recently reflected on this statement, I kept thinking about how it relates to many of the experiences encountered through our work at Catholic Charities. I am not implying that life is good or bad. Life can be challenging. It is also beautiful, exciting and magnificent. In short, life can be messy.

Catholic Charities can be a source of support on a person’s journey when life is messy. Our programs are designed to accompany those served by supporting them through the challenges they face, giving them the tools they need to thrive and instilling hope and confidence.

During life’s journey, we can experience times of immense joy. Examples may be the birth of a child or the opportunity to reunite with a family member or friend after an extended time apart. However, we can also experience times of sadness in life such as illness or the death of a loved one. These experiences can leave a person feeling alone, isolated, numb and uncertain.

Through our services at Catholic Charities, we can support individuals and families during these times of joy, as well as sadness. For example, when a woman was experiencing grief and depression following the death of her husband, she contacted Catholic Charities for counseling services. When she initially contacted Catholic Charities, she said she felt hopeless and helpless. With guidance and unconditional support, this woman learned how to process her feelings and cope with the significant loss. She now gardens, walks daily and volunteers at her church. She has hope for the future.

While depression and other mental health needs are a journey and are experienced differently for each person, it is important to remember that you are not alone. The Book of Deuteronomy reminds us, “It is the Lord who goes before you; he will be with you and will never fail or forsake you. So do not fear or be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8).

Along with your faith, remember you can seek support from the people in your life. In addition, community resources, such as Catholic Charities, provide support during times of need. As you experience life’s journey, there will be times when life is messy. I encourage you to remain faithful and remember that Catholic Charities is a resource to provide support and hope for the future.

Catholic Charities offers a variety of services including mental health counseling, life skills training, immigration legal services and emergency financial assistance programs. For more information, contact Catholic Charities by calling 812-423-5456 or visit our website at