Natural living and God

By Kaitlin Klein

Wonderful Adventure

Something I’m becoming more and more passionate about is natural living, particularly through healthy food choices. What I thought “healthy food” meant 10 years ago is completely different from what I know now, and it’s different from what mainstream channels will share as well. As I keep learning, I want to share with everyone I know how we can become the best versions of ourselves by supporting our bodies the way God intended. We are body-soul composites, and while allowing focus on the body to trump focus on the soul would be getting away from the Lord’s intention, we can draw closer to God by using his world the way he intended and living as our best selves to be his hands and feet on earth. 

The most common term for this sort of eating is “traditional.” I follow Wardee Harmon’s Traditional Cooking School, and in her book, “Fundamentals: The Basics of Traditional Cooking,” she says, “Though we’ll never have perfect food (it’s a fallen world), our health is best served by growing or purchasing the best quality possible, or GNOWFGLINS. Keep in mind — it’s an ideal to which we strive to give God glory, not a set of rules to which we’re enslaved. It’s all about joy in the Lord and embracing the best of His creation!”

GNOWFGLINS is an acronym meaning “God’s Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Grown Locally, In Season.” She teaches a cooking course called Eat God’s Way. That’s inspiring to me; how can I use something as simple and vital as food to continue to glorify God?

I’m amazed at how the healthiest foods for us are the most natural and minimally processed. The Lord didn’t initially make it difficult for us to provide our bodies with what we need. Meat roaming in the field nearby, vegetables grown in the soil, milk, grains, etc. are all simply part of God’s gift to us. It’s when we take these foods, put them through so many processes, and add ingredients never meant to be consumed by humans that we run into trouble. And, unfortunately, many products that are the most natural and the most straight from the source are now the hardest to find! I can hardly buy anything at the store anymore except some produce and select items. I have to go to local farmers for many things and learn how to prepare them correctly, as our ancestors did. It’s a journey. It takes time, research and grace, but small steps can make a huge difference in our lives. 

St. Teresa of Avila said, “God walks among the pots and pans.” Beautiful! He is with us as we fulfill our daily duties. He is with us when we try to be the healthiest version of ourselves to give him glory. Not for earthly success or motivation, but to live as the best body-soul composite we can be. I’m continuing to make small steps in the kitchen to better serve my family and better serve God. I’m continuing to make small steps in my spiritual life. And I’m trying to draw closer to Jesus as much as I can in all of the little moments he gives me each day. I am inspired and strengthened that you are doing the same. God bless you!