By USCCB, Special to The Message
Bishop Daniel E. Thomas of Toledo said, “As we celebrate this Jubilee Year as Pilgrims of Hope, Pope Francis invites us to experience God’s love ‘that awakens in hearts the sure hope of salvation in Christ.’”
As chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, Bishop Thomas offered the following reflection on the 52nd anniversary of the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion nationwide:
“I join all Catholics throughout our nation in observing Jan. 22 as a day of prayer and penance. As we prayerfully continue the essential work of restoring full legal protection of all preborn children and supporting parents facing difficult pregnancies, we also recognize our need for asking forgiveness and healing from the Lord for when we have given in to the culture of death.
“Abortion inflicts deep and lasting wounds on society, but more directly on individuals and families. Many mothers and fathers may feel they have no choice except abortion. Some are pressured or coerced. No matter the circumstances of the abortion, we must recognize the often-silent grief of parents for their child and their despair of being worthy of the love and forgiveness of God and others.
“To the parents of children who have died by abortion, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Know that our Lord loves you as His daughters and sons no matter your actions. No sin is beyond His unfathomable mercy. Jesus greatly desires our repentant hearts and invites us into an encounter with Him. For Catholics, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is always available for those seeking God’s forgiveness, hope and peace. … Please join me in praying that God will fill the hearts of mothers and fathers suffering the emotional and psychological wounds from abortion with the hope of forgiveness that only He can give. We invite them to seek support from the Church’s compassionate and confidential ministries.”
For confidential help after abortion, reach out to your local Catholic parish or visit www.HopeAfterAbortion.org or www.EsperanzaPosAborto.org.