Resolve to know Jesus of Nazareth



As we start the New Year, there is always a tremendous amount of conversation around New Year’s resolutions. shows the top four resolutions are: Increasing exercise, losing weight, saving money and improving diet…all worthy endeavors. Increasing in one’s spiritual life, however, isn’t even in the top 10. It must have been edged out by “decorating part of my home” (No. 10 on the list).

My guess is that many people in today’s world might have some difficulty even defining what an “increase in the spiritual life” might entail, or how to go about it or even why it would be important. As Catholics, we have been given the great gift of understanding of the fundamentals of the spiritual life through a myriad of historical and contemporary resources.

I cannot think of another topic in history that has had such an extensive amount written about it as Christianity. I cannot think of another institution that has reached as far and wide as Christianity. I cannot think of another person who has inspired more art, music, charity, architecture, literature and the right social ordering of mankind as Jesus Christ. It is estimated that over 70 million women, men, and children have died for their belief in Jesus Christ over the past 2,000 years (over half of those in the 20th century alone due to the horrors of fascism and communism).

Countless others have lived and died within the Catholic faith without having to face a death sentence for it. Were all of these just misguided souls? Is our eternal existence really not on the same plane as home decorating? In spite of a mountain of spiritual treasures, we find that convenience and distraction may prove to accomplish what 20 centuries of upheaval and persecution could not…a serious thinning of the Christian faithful.

However, distraction does not eliminate the Truth but simply attempts to mask it. The devil, who cannot overcome the power the God, must attempt to subvert and obfuscate in order to win souls away from God.

So, my simple place to start is this. In 2022, ask yourself this question: Who is the man, Jesus of Nazareth? We cannot have a relationship with someone who we have not taken the time to know. If some guidance or suggestions are needed in this area, send me an email and I will send some ideas.