Seminarian profile: Chase Riecker

Home Parish: St. Isidore the Farmer Parish in Celestine

Anticipated Ordination Year: 2027

Parents: Bryan and Gina Riecker

Siblings: Jasmine, Cameron, Ty, Cassidy and Destin 

I started discerning priesthood when I was 19 after I began praying the rosary daily for a little over a month. Prior to this, my faith was not the most important part of my life and the calling I heard was rather abrupt and clear. As I continued to pray through the calling I felt, my older brother, Cameron, and both of my parents, Bryan and Gina, were very supportive and encouraging. I remember within the first month of discerning priesthood, I was always able to talk with my mom and dad about my future and they always offered words that were clarifying and upbuilding. I also never felt any pressure from them to become a priest, and I have always gotten the sense that no matter where I went or ended up, they would be there for me. My brother Cameron also showed me the value of reaching out and developing friendships. It was praying with him that first introduced me to a deeper life of faith and trust in the Lord. Another person who initially helped me to discern the calling was Father Jeff Read. He gave me foundational advice and helped me to see the priesthood in a real and tangible way. I have also received tremendous support from my home parish, St. Isidore. I am always deeply humbled and grateful whenever I speak with any parishioner to find out their many prayers for me. It is a rare gift to have readily available and I think growing up around a supportive and faithful community helped me be able to actively discern my vocational calling. Without all of the support I have received over the years, my vocation would not be possible, not only from my family, priests and home parish, but also from the Diocese of Evansville overall. I am extremely grateful for the privilege of pursuing priesthood for this diocese and calling this area of Indiana my home. Thank you and God bless!