Home Parish: Holy Cross Parish in Fort Branch
Anticipated Ordination Year: 2025
Parents: Roger and Angie Johnson
Siblings: Jamie (Jason) Baehl, who have four children: Logan, Blake, Sadie and Kallie
I have one more semester at St. Meinrad Seminary before I return to Vincennes to serve as a deacon until priesthood ordination in 2025.
I started discerning priesthood as I was going through my final two years of architecture school. Whatever I did, I went all-in, and I was very tired and unfulfilled as architecture was all that mattered to me. I entered the brand new House of Discernment in Evansville as I took my first full-time job in architecture in Evansville. Getting to live in the House with five devout men who were also intently following God’s call made it much easier to pursue my vocation than when I was living alone. Although the people I was with throughout my time in seminary have greatly supported me, I have come to realize how equally important peoples’ prayers for me have been. Even though I’m not always with my family, I know they are praying for me always — and so many others as well. I can’t even keep count of the number of people who have told me, “I pray for you every morning.” Wow. You would do that for me? It means more than I can express because it shows me that even if I feel alone, I know that I have a crowd of supporters who desire to see me pursue Christ. How could I not desire to serve them as their spiritual father?