Home Parish: Holy Cross Parish in Fort Branch
Anticipated Ordination Year: 2028
Parents: Rick (father) and Kelly (stepmother) Stefanich; Gussie (mother) and Glenn (stepfather) Dickenson
Siblings (and their spouses/children): Colton Stefanich; Blake Dillon, daughter: Kaislee Jo Dillon; Isaac Dickenson; Madison Rasche (married to Austin Rasche, child: Shepherd Rasche); Alex Rojas (married to Mel Rojas, Jr., children: Crew, Penelope and baby-on-the-way Rojas)
There have been many people who are indispensable to my priestly discernment and Catholic life, but one person in particular has probably been the most instrumental. That man is Father Tony Ernst, my childhood pastor. He was the first person to tell me that I could make a good priest one day; the longest-lasting encouragement in that pursuit; and perhaps the most humble example of Jesus Christ who I have ever had the privilege to meet. To this day, he continues to provide support through much prayer and conversation. Father Tony is always available to listen to whatever struggles I’m going through, and he has been such an instrument of God’s grace in my life. Without him and his loving guidance, I probably wouldn’t even be a Catholic anymore, let alone a seminarian on my way to the priesthood.
To hear our calling from God, often we have to hear it from someone close to God. We can’t always hear that stuff on our own. Whatever the vocation, and especially the supernatural vocations of priesthood and consecrated life, it is essential that we always lovingly encourage young people to listen for God’s calling in their lives. God made each of us with a particular personal vocational path to reach him forever in paradise. God spoke through Father Tony and others to let me know mine. In like manner, let us always be an avenue — not an obstacle — for others to embrace God’s calling in their lives!