Home Parish: Holy Redeemer
Anticipated Ordination: 2032
Parents: Jeff and Sara Sexton
Siblings: Cole and Ashlyn
During my sophomore year in high school, I began to experience a stronger call to the priesthood. The main reason for this had to be my increased involvement in the Savio program at the House of Discernment. At each of the events, my heart was further opened to the possibility of priesthood. As time progressed, I attended a discernment retreat, which gave me the opportunity to be around other young men who were experiencing this same call and were in a similar stage of discerning their vocation.
As I continued to discern the priesthood, I mostly shared my growing desire with my peers in school and youth group. Towards the end of my junior year, I began to reveal this call to my parents, who offered their support for me pursuing the priesthood. However, I still had some doubts regarding my vocation. Fortunately, I was able to seek the advice of those who were currently living in the House of Discernment and speak with them regarding their decision to enter the House and pursue the priesthood. In meeting with them, my decision to listen to God’s call was given further clarity.
In revealing my decision to enter the House to my friends at school, I was given an unexpected amount of support. Without this support, and the unconditional support of my parents, I can’t say that I’d be a seminarian now. If you know of someone who is considering the priesthood, don’t be afraid to tell them, as support from others makes a world of difference.