Seminarian profile: Isaac Memmer
Home parish: St. John the Evangelist Parish in Daylight
Anticipated Ordination Year: Class of 2031
Parents: Jennie and Phil Memmer
Brother: Chris Memmer
The idea of being a priest is something that has been on my mind for a while. My first memory of discernment was in fourth grade when I was reading about the apostles and thought, “It would be cool to be one of them, I wish I could join a group that is like them.” Long story short, the idea of the priesthood never left no matter how hard I tried to make it leave. When I began to let people know I was considering this route, I received support from family and friends and was connected with my parish priest who connected me with the Vocations Director.
Receiving some guidance from priests was very helpful. They focus on helping you discern and are hopeful the diocese may have more seminarians, but I was initially surprised at how happy they are to see men discern they are called to marriage.
If you or someone you know is open to discernment, set up a time to meet with Father Tyler (Tenbarge) or another priest to gain some insight. If you don’t want a lot of people knowing you are considering priesthood, begin by talking to the Vocations Director and maybe a close friend or loved one. This can aid in deciding if it would be a good choice for you without all the attention. Thank you to all who have supported me in this discernment process!