Sixth annual prayer vigil, peaceful march kicks off 40 Days for Life

Jeff Ferguson, left, Right to Life of Southwest Indiana’s recently appointed executive director, walks with his wife, Rochelle, their children and others for the sixth annual 40 Days for Life prayer walk. The Message photo by Megan Erbacher

By Megan Erbacher

The Message editor

Standing on the front steps of Reitz Memorial High School in Evansville, Bishop Joseph M. Siegel asked God for his guidance and protection for those who provide prayerful witness to the Gospel of Life over the next 40 Days for Life fall campaign. 

More than 75 women, men and children of all ages gathered for the sixth annual 40 Days for Life prayer vigil and a roughly 1-mile peaceful prayer walk to Planned Parenthood Sept. 30. The kick-off march, originally scheduled for Sept. 24, was rescheduled due to expected inclement weather. The group walked from Reitz Memorial to the Planned Parenthood office on North Weinbach Ave. to kick off the fall 2024 observance of 40 Days for Life, which is Sept. 25 through Nov. 3. 

The campaign consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting in shifts outside of a clinic or hospital that performs abortions or an abortion referral center. The event is a partnership between the Diocesan Office of Marriage, Family and Life and Right to Life of Southwest Indiana. 

Bishop Siegel offered the opening prayer and asked God’s help that we never forget the unborn children, their mothers, families and all the victims of the culture of death. He prayed for God to give us the courage to stand resolutely against the forces that threaten life and to grant us the wisdom and perseverance to change minds and laws.

Bishop Siegel prayed that all we do be for God’s greater glory and honor and work to build up the culture of life.

After welcoming all to the event, Diocesan Director of Marriage, Family and Life Megan Knies said she was recently reminded that the greatest commodity we can give Christ is our availability.

“I wanted to thank you and your families for making your time available to be with us here today,” she said. “I’m sure there are many other things you could be doing, but you’re here with us.”

Jeff Ferguson, Right to Life of Southwest Indiana’s recently appointed executive director, gave a brief overview of 40 Days for Life. 

“Your presence matters,” he told the group.

“It’s so important that you’re here this evening because we’re currently living through what I believe will come to be known as the most egregious human rights violation in human history.”

Ferguson reported that more than 63 million babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade was enacted in 1973. However, he noted there are even more victims including millions of mothers, millions of fathers and countless medical professionals.

“This obsession with death involves much more than the preborn as the generations above us continue to be mistreated and are given in, at least 10 states that I know of, the option to terminate their life if they desire through euthanasia,” he said.

As participants walked the route from Reitz Memorial to Planned Parenthood, many held signs that read “Pray to end abortion,” “Save America Vote Pro-Life” and “Let their hearts beat.” Peaceful marchers then lined the sidewalk of Weinbach Avenue in front of Planned Parenthood before Rochelle Ferguson, Jeff Ferguson’s wife, offered a prayer and the group dismissed.

“As we walk together this evening, let’s walk with this conviction that our prayer can do much more than our plans ever will,” he said.

To sign up to be a prayer partner for 40 Days for Life, go to

More than 75 women, men and children of all ages line the streets in front of the Planned Parenthood office on North Weinbach Avenue Sept. 30 after a prayer walk from Reitz Memorial High School to kick off the fall 2024 observance of 40 Days for Life, which continues through Nov. 3. The Message photo by Megan Erbacher