Spreading the news

What’s the best news you’ve ever received?  Let’s run down the list of some possibilities.

“Yes, I will marry you!’”

“You two are going to have a baby!”

“Congratulations – the job is yours!”

“Your cancer is gone. You don’t have to come back!”

There are, of course, many, many more examples. Good news provides us with a future filled with hope, stirs excitement, and creates great expectations.

When you receive life-altering, happiness-inducing news, there is an overwhelming need to share it with pretty much anyone who will listen.  As you retell the experience of hearing this great news, there is a big grin on your face and your chest feels like it is going to burst with joy.

Now let’s think about the BEST news we have ever received.

Jesus Christ is our Lord; He suffered and died to save us from our sins; He was resurrected from the dead; He is alive today!

“And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20).

“In you, Lord, is our hope, and we shall never hope in vain”  (Te Deum).

It doesn’t get any better than that.  Frankly, it overshadows any earthly list we could possibly put together.

If our kids win a soccer game on Saturday morning, we let our family know.  Maybe we celebrate at a restaurant after the game.

If the high school football team wins a state championship, it’s all over social media.

If the weekend weather has a forecast for sunny skies and warm temperatures, we call our friends to make plans.

But what about the best news we have ever received?  Most of us keep that under wraps.  It makes us uncomfortable to talk about it.

My wife and I bought a house in Evansville a few months back.  One night after dinner, the doorbell rang.  I couldn’t figure out who would want to come to my house in the dark and make their presence known.

Turns out there were three Baptist men on my front porch welcoming me to the neighborhood and asking if I had decided on a home church.

I let them know that I worked for the Catholic Diocese of Evansville and had, indeed, found a home church.  We had a nice chat, laughed together, and then prayed together before they said goodbye. But they didn’t leave without inviting me to come to their church any time I wanted.

They came to my door and trusted the Lord that I would not be an angry, violent man.  They shared the best news they have ever received with me, a complete stranger.

This whole scenario sends chills down the spines of most Catholics.  Can you imagine yourself ringing the doorbell of a stranger and then inviting him to Mass to experience the love and mercy of God?

Catholic stewards are Disciples of Jesus Christ.  As stewards and disciples, we are tasked with sharing the gifts God has given us.  The greatest of those gifts is not money or a special talent or skill.  The greatest gift is eternal salvation paid for by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Share about the winning ways of a nine-year-old’s soccer team? Absolutely.  Shout it from the rooftops.

Telling our family and friends about spending eternity under the loving gaze of Jesus Christ?

No, thanks.  That makes me uncomfortable.

As always, thanks for reading.  I would love to hear from you.  Write to me at [email protected].

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