Summary of Diocesan Pastoral Council May 11 meeting

Special to The Message

The Diocesan Pastoral Council met May 24 at the Catholic Center in Evansville. This is a consultative body to Bishop Joseph M. Siegel consisting of 16 members from various parishes from all four deaneries. Following Mass, Bishop Siegel opened the meeting with prayer. Eric Girten was introduced as the new Vice-Chancellor for the Diocese of Evansville. Director for the Office of Youth and Young Adults Jeremy Goebel presented an overview of the primary activities, objectives and highlights of this ministry over the past year. Diocesan Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer Dean Happe presented the 2025 budget review. Father Alex Zenthoefer, Vicar General and rector of St. Benedict Cathedral, gave an overview and status update of the Pastoral Priorities Planning process for 2024-2029. Happe also provided various diocesan administration and operational updates of key activities and initiatives recently completed or in progress within the diocese. Bishop Siegel provided updates regarding ordinations, the upcoming Jubilee Year, and the arrival of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles. Bishop Siegel closed with a prayer.  

The next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 17.

If you would like more detailed information regarding this meeting, email the Vice-Chancellor’s office at [email protected].