The Miracle Begins With You



This Advent, let the miracle begin with you.

Be proactive and make things happen. Father Tony Ernst, in a recent bulletin for St. Francis Xavier Parish in Vincennes, said, “Put gratitude into action.”

Do something in your parish or community to share your blessings with those who are in need. Contribute to a local food pantry or help support a local homeless shelter. Reach out and share God’s blessings with someone who may be struggling in life.

In his homily that weekend, Father Tony said, “Don’t bury your talent.” So this Advent, share your talents with others. God blessed each of us with special talents. Share what you do well with others.

Several years ago, Dr. Philip Summers, past-president of Vincennes University, in his opening remarks to the freshmen class used the theme, “The Miracle Begins With You.” The idea he presented was that whatever effort the students put into college would equate later into what they would get out of life. This same theme holds true for all of us; what we put into our faith and Church, our family relations, our community, and our jobs will equate to success.

Steven Covey, in his No. 1 bestseller book, “The 7 habits of Highly Effective People,” lists being proactive as No. 1. It means that, as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.

So, this Advent season, let us be proactive and make things happen – and then, the miracle will begin with you.

Bernie Niehaus can be reached at [email protected].