Updates from The Committee for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities



The first “A Place for All” column appeared in the May 22, 2020, issue of The Message. It was in that issue and the June 19 issue that inclusion-committee members were introduced, the mission statement was shared and goals presented. It is with excitement that I present the progress that has been made in the last six months.

We now have a website entitled Ministry with Persons with Disabilities found on the diocesan website (evdio.org) under the department of Office of Catechesis. On this site, you will find resources that include, but are not limited to, local and national organizations, best practices and adapted religious education curriculum. You will also find the mission statement, goals and a listing of committee members. Each month an article is featured on the site to bring heightened awareness to a particular disability. Finally, descriptions of various disabilities are presented, along with resources that elaborate upon each.

I invite you to take the opportunity to explore this website. The information contained there will be helpful, not only for individuals who may be disabled and their families, but it also will benefit all parishioners as we walk alongside one another as members of one family.

In addition to the website, we also have extended an invitation to all our parishes to select a liaison who will act as a point of contact between the committee and parish leadership. This established relationship will aid in a consistent flow of information and facilitate opportunities for education, conversation and timely updates. Liaisons attend four meetings a year and make a three-year commitment to serve in this capacity. A listing of parish liaisons can be found on the website.

If you have any questions or would like more information about The Committee for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities please contact the Office of Catechesis.