By Father Martin Estrada
Because I am Catholic!
Last year, the vocation’s office of the diocese started a vocational program for Hispanics called “Pescadores.” The objective of this program is for Spanish-speaking young people to discover and discern their Christian vocation along with their family, so that they can respond to the call that God makes them, whether to the single life, married life, priestly life or religious life. Saint John Paul II said that “the family is the first and most excellent seedbed of vocations to a life of consecration to the Kingdom of God (Familiaris consortio, 53).” Therefore, we hoped to help families with this mission of supporting their children to discover their vocation.
In this vocational program, families receive a program that guides them throughout the year. Once a week, they gather together as a family to do what the program suggests for that week. Thus, they pray regularly for vocations, read and meditate on the Bible and on the lives of the saints. Also, they visit the seminary and other places that help them learn more about the life of seminarians, priests and religious. In addition, they carry out other activities in the community such as visiting the sick, praying for the deceased, among other activities.
We have divided the liturgical year into three sections. From Advent to Holy Week, it is focused on knowing more about God and the faith. During Easter, the focus is knowing oneself, our talents and our call of Christ to be missionary disciples. And finally, in the Ordinary Time, the focus is on knowing deeply the different vocations and how to discern the call. We also have a Vocation Chalice that each family receives for a week to pray and reflect on the different vocations in a more intense way.
Currently, we have more than 60 registered families with nearly 100 young people between 12 and 25 years of age in the six parishes where the Hispanic ministry is present in the Diocese. Every two months, there is a virtual meeting with the families to evaluate the program and share of the fruits. It should be noted that the parents themselves are responsible for carrying out the program, so families become more involved in the promotion of vocations and truly become vocational seedbeds.
I appreciate Bishop Siegel and Father Tyler Tenbarge’s interest in promoting Hispanic vocations, as well as all the parents who have been praying and supporting their children in this program. I hope that the Lord continues to call men and women to leave their nets and follow him, and that young people respond with a generous and brave heart to continue proclaiming the good news to the people of God.
I ask you to pray for vocations, especially to priestly and religious life.
Vocational Prayer
Oh Jesus, eternal Shepherd of souls!
Deign to look with eyes of mercy on this portion of your beloved flock.
Lord, we need a greater number of priests.
Multiply vocations and sanctify our priests more and more.
We ask this through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Guadalupe,
your sweet and holy Mother.
Oh Jesus, give us priests according to your heart! Amen.
Father Martin Estrada serves as Associate Pastor at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Evansville and Associate Director of Hispanic Vocations.