Special to The Message
The Diocese of Evansville Office of Catechesis is introducing readers to Catholics from across our 12 counties for whom sharing the beauty of the Catholic Faith is a joy.
This month, we meet George and Dianne Moll of Evansville.
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How and where do you experience God?
George: I experience God through my everyday life ... nature, the people that I’m in contact with, and especially with the extraordinary young people I’ve been blessed to coach on Mater Dei’s Cross Country team for 33 years.
Dianne: I have always loved scripture, the “timelessness” of it, and its truths on what it means to be Christian. I also am in awe of the countless individuals I have met that daily do “silent” works of sacrificial love and who desire nor need any recognition.
Why is your faith important to you?
George: My faith is important to me because it influences my every decision and offers guidance in my daily walk.
Dianne: We live in a time when conflicting beliefs on what is important in life abound and bombard our senses. My faith gives me the tools I desperately need to evaluate the direction of my choices and decisions and the assurance of forgiveness when I mess up.
How do you nurture your faith life?
George: Through daily prayer, my community, sacraments and spiritual direction.
Dianne: I love to work outside … to see and hear the rebirth of nature and God’s endless creativity. This always seems to quiet my spirit and give me a greater sense of what is truly important.
How does your Catholic faith shape the way you live?
George: Having been born and raised a Catholic, taught in Catholic schools, spent five years in seminary and experienced Cursillo, it has allowed me a good foundation and direction in my life.
Dianne: I converted to the Catholic faith when George and I became engaged. I will always remember when my mother asked me if anything (in the far, far distant future) were to happen to George, would I go back to the church of my birth. I knew in my heart almost immediately my answer was “no.” The Eucharist has become an anchor in my journey which I could never leave.
How do you share your faith with others?
George: For 41 years I have been a part of a men’s fellowship group where we give witness to our lives and their direction. Dianne and I have also been associated with various national and international ministries and most recently have been approved to launch the Moll Family Foundation. Its goals are to affect the education, employment opportunities and financial development of the poor in three Third World countries.
Dianne: For me, it’s not so much “sharing” my faith, but “being” my faith so that others can prayerfully see our God.
George and Dianne celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in March. They have three daughters, one son and seven grandchildren. Corpus Christi in Evansville has been their home parish for 35 years. They are both retired: George from Ice Products, Inc., and Dianne from service as a catechist in the Diocese of Evansville; she was a DRE for St. Clement Parish in Boonville.