Finding comfort – The Catholic Foundation

By Irene Moschner, Director of Philanthropy
Special to The Message

In recent days, which have been and continue to be underscored by uncertainty, I find myself seeking comfort. What comfort looks like is a very personal thing. For me – I bake and cook; scones, cinnamon rolls, bread, cupcakes, a nice beef roast with potatoes, chicken parmesan and the list goes on.

My family and I are lucky. I am able to continue to work from home, we are healthy and we have toilet paper!

What does comfort look like for you? Is it praying the rosary, watching daily Mass on TV or on your computer, Skyping with your kids who live away from home, listening to music, scrubbing the bathroom every day or sitting in your own yard watching the signs of spring unfold?

For many right now, comfort is more basic; it includes food, shelter, rent, medication, cleaning supplies – and the aforementioned toilet paper. In times like these, people rely on the Church to help. In the Diocese of Evansville, the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Indiana, Inc. oversees more than 650 endowments – many of which directly support organizations that are on
the front line to provide those basic needs to people seeking comfort.

The distribution available this year to these organizations is the largest in the history of the Foundation, more than $2.595 million. These funds could not have come at a better time.

Parishes, schools, homeless shelters, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul and diocesan offices will be able to tap into this resource to continue the work of Christ in this time of crisis. We are indeed grateful for those people, living and dead, who had the foresight to create these endowments as a testimony to their faith and to provide for the future.

As I write this article a hymn continues to circulate through my mind, reminding me that we as Church provide much more than basic needs. We are in this together; and in caring for each other, we will find comfort.

”…And we, though many, throughout the earth
We are one body in this one Lord
Many the gifts, many the works
One in the Lord of all …”